电话:010 84502741 / 84502841 / 64586191 / 64586192
传真:010 84502814 邮编100024
电话:86 10 53269223 / 53269224/53269225
传真:86 10 53269225 邮编:101312
20英尺集装箱:外尺寸为 6.1M×2.44M×2.59M
(20ft×8ft×8ft6in); ( 1英尺ft = 12 英寸inch = 30.48 厘米)
内容积为 5.69M×2.13M×2.18M。
40英尺集装箱:外尺寸为 12.2M×2.44M×2.59M
(40ft×8ft×8ft6in); ( 1英尺ft = 12 英寸inch = 30.48 厘米)
内容积为 11.8M×2.13M×2.18M。
40英尺加高集装箱:外尺寸为 12.2M×2.44M×2.9M
(40ft×8ft×9ft6in); 内容积为
开顶集装箱(Open Top Container)
通风集装箱(Venti-lated Container) 通风集装箱的特点是在其侧壁或顶壁上设有若干供通风用的窗口,适用于装运有一定通风和防潮湿要求的杂货,如水果、蔬菜等。如果将通风窗口关闭,又可作为杂货箱用。
框架集装箱 (Platform Based Container) 这种集装箱的特点是没有箱顶和侧壁,甚至连端壁也去掉而只有底板和四个角柱的集装箱。这种集装箱可以从前后、左右及上方进行装卸作业,适合装载长大件和重件,如重型机械、钢材、木材、钢锭等。台架式的集装箱不防水,怕水湿的货物不能装运,如一定要装运,只有用帆布遮盖、密封好。
平台式集装箱(Plat-form Container) 这种装箱比台架式集装箱更简化而只保留了底板。主要用于装卸长、重大件货物。如重型机械设备、钢材等。平台的长度与宽度与国际标准集装箱的箱底尺寸相同,可使用与其他集装箱相同的紧固件和起吊装置。这种集装箱的采用,打破了过去一直认为集装箱必须有一定容积的概念。
冷藏集装箱(Reefer Container) 冷藏集装箱也称冷藏柜,是以运输冷冻食品为主,能保持所定低温的保温集装箱。它是专为运输鱼虾、肉类、新鲜水果、蔬菜等食品而特殊设计的。目前国际上采用的冷藏集装箱基本上分两种:一种是集装箱内带有冷冻机的叫机械式冷藏集装箱;另一种箱内没有冷冻机而只有隔热设备,集装箱的端壁上设有进气孔和出气孔,箱子装在船舱中后,由船舶的冷冻装置供应冷气,叫做离合式冷藏集装箱(又称外置式冷藏集装箱)。
罐式集装箱(Tank Container) 顾名思义这种集装箱是专为装运液体货物,如酒类、汽油、化学品而设计的。它由罐体和框架两部分组成,罐体用于装载液体,框架用来支承和固定罐体。罐体的外壁采用保温材料以使罐体隔热,内壁一般要研磨抛光以避免液体残留在壁面。为了降低液体的粘度,罐体下部还设有加热器,对罐体内部温度可以通过安装在其上部的温度计观察到。为了装卸的方便,罐顶设有装货口,罐底设有排出阀。装货时液体由罐顶部装货口进入,卸货时由排货孔流出,也可用吸管从顶部装货口吸出。
汽车集装箱(Car Con-tainer) 这种集装箱是专门装运小型汽车用的。其结构特点是没有侧壁,仅有框架和箱底。为了防止汽车在箱内滑动,箱底专门设有绑扎设备和防滑钢板。大部分汽车集装箱设计成上下两层,可以装载多辆小汽车。
动物集装箱(Pen Container or Live Stock Container) 这是一种专门用来装运鸡、鸭、猪、牛等活牲畜的集装箱。为了避免阳光照射,动物集装箱的箱顶和侧壁是用玻璃纤维加强塑料制成的。另外为了保证箱内有比较新鲜的空气,侧面和端面都有用铝丝网制成的窗,以加强通风。侧壁下方设有清扫口和排水口,并配有上下移动的拉门,可把垃圾清扫出去。箱体侧壁还装有喂食口。动物集装箱在船上一般装在甲板上,因为甲板上空气流通,也便于清扫和照顾。
服装集装箱(Garment Container)
散货集装箱(Solid bulk container)
电话:010 84502741 / 84502841 / 64586191 / 64586192
传真:010 84502814 邮编100024
电话:86 10 53269223 / 53269224/53269225
传真:86 10 53269225 邮编:101312
Introduction to different types and sizes of containers:
20-foot container: The exterior dimensions are 6.1m x 2.44m x 2.59m (20ft x 8ft x 8ft6in), with an interior volume of 5.69m x 2.13m x 2.18m. This type of container is generally used for heavy cargo, with a maximum gross weight of 17.5 tons and a capacity of approximately 24-26 cubic meters.
40-foot container: The exterior dimensions are 12.2m x 2.44m x 2.59m (40ft x 8ft x 8ft6in), with an interior volume of 11.8m x 2.13m x 2.18m. This type of container is generally used for light and bulky cargo, with a maximum gross weight of 22 tons and a capacity of approximately 54 cubic meters.
40-foot high-cube container: The exterior dimensions are 12.2m x 2.44m x 2.9m (40ft x 8ft x 9ft6in), with an interior volume of 11.8m x 2.13m x 2.72m. This type of container is also used for light and bulky cargo, with a maximum gross weight of 22 tons and a capacity of approximately 68 cubic meters.
ank Container:
As the name suggests, this type of container is designed for the transport of liquid cargo, such as alcohol, gasoline, and chemicals. It consists of two parts: a tank body for loading the liquid and a frame for supporting and securing the tank body. The outer wall of the tank body is made of insulation material to insulate it, while the inner wall is generally polished to prevent liquid residue on the surface. To reduce the viscosity of the liquid, a heater is also installed at the bottom of the tank body, and the internal temperature can be observed through a thermometer installed on the upper part. For ease of loading and unloading, there is a loading port on the top of the tank and a discharge valve on the bottom. During loading, the liquid enters from the top loading port, and during unloading, it flows out from the discharge hole or can be sucked out from the top loading port using a straw.
Car Container:
This type of container is specifically designed for the transport of small cars. Its structural feature is that it has no side walls, only a frame and a box bottom. To prevent the car from sliding inside the container, the box bottom has special tying devices and anti-slip steel plates. Most car containers are designed with two levels, allowing multiple small cars to be loaded.
Livestock Container:
This is a container designed specifically for the transport of live animals such as chickens, ducks, pigs, and cattle. To avoid sunlight exposure, the top and side walls of the container are made of fiberglass-reinforced plastic. In addition, to ensure relatively fresh air inside the container, windows made of aluminum wire mesh are installed on the side and end faces to enhance ventilation. There are also cleaning and drainage ports below the side walls and sliding doors that can move up and down to remove garbage. The side walls of the container also have feeding ports. Livestock containers are generally loaded on the deck of the ship because the deck has good air circulation and is easy to clean and care for.
Garment Container:
Also known as a hanging garment container, this type of container is characterized by having many horizontal bars mounted on the upper beams inside the container, with several belt buckles, nylon buckles, or ropes hanging down from each bar, allowing hangers with clothes to be hung directly on the buckles or ropes. This method of garment loading is considered to be without packaging, saving both packaging materials and packaging costs.
Solid Bulk Container:
This is a container designed for the transport of solid bulk cargo, such as grain, sand, and coal. It is characterized by its large loading capacity and simple structure. The container is made of high-strength steel plates and has a flat bottom and no side walls, with a cover to protect the cargo from rain and wind during transport.